

Cuccio Somatology

Yoga Milk Bath, Vanilla Bean

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Part of our Hydrating Ritual, this Milk Bath Body Soak helps to relax, balance, and nurture your body, leaving your skin feeling softer, smoother, and more radiant looking. This Body Soak draws out toxins from sore, swollen muscles, and excess sweat from trapped pores. It also moisturizes and hydrates the skin to help prevent dryness and dermatitis

This Milk Bath Body Soak is chemical, paraben, dye, and fragrance free. It is safe for all skin types and is made with natural wholesome ingredients

Natural ingredients include Mastiha, a natural anti-inflammatory that speeds up wound recovery. Epsom Salt eases muscle soreness. Lactic Acid cleanses and nourishes. Vanilla Bean relaxes the mind. 

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